Video News Releases (VNRs)
The Video News Release, or the video version of the written press release, is recommended when a more detailed story line is needed. Produced in a broadcast news style with a scripted story and compelling video, CMP Media Café transforms your newsworthy story or event into a video segment ready for television news broadcast.

VNRs are still an effective broadcast relations tool for the right message in 2011 if you understand how to produce and distribute them effectively plus when they are used for the right story with a compelling news angle. Although a VNR may be appropriate for your project, we generally recommend B-Roll Packages in today's media environment..

Successful video public relations production requires a unique blend of broadcast news experience, technological knowledge and marketing sensibility. You need the right video images for the right audience via the right medium and produced by the right media professionals who know what newsrooms need.

CMP Media Cafe has producers uniquely qualified to ensure that your video captures the attention of your intended audience - TV news decision makers and viewers - whether on TV screens, internet monitors or PDAs.

From concept to results, we're professionals with network television experience including on-site production capabilities in the U.S.A. & around the world.

From Los Angeles to London, from Tampa to Tel Aviv, from conceptualization to final edit master, we creatively capture your corporate news story at any location in the United States and around the world. Our news team is uniquely qualified to ensure that your story and video captures the attention of the TV newsroom decision-makers, public service directors and viewers. We craft video news stories to meet your objectives and effectively deliver your corporate message to newsrooms. Consider CMP Media Café your very own in-house video department.

Once your video news release is produced, we'll help you determine the most effective Satellite Distribution Package for your project.

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